"How to make the World work for 100% of humanity in the shortest possible time through spontaneous cooperation without ecological offense or the disadvantage of anyone." -- R. Buckminster Fuller

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December 12, 2013 |

Buckminster Fuller

In the early 1990’s while studying automotive at SIUC in Southern Illinois, I found work doing manual labor for a man who lived in the rural hills of the Shawnee Forest.  While we’d work, we would have deep conversations about a variety of topics.  One day he handed me the book Critical Path by R. Buckminster Fuller and said that the ideas I had shared during our conversations were similar to those espoused by “Bucky.”  It took me almost 6 months to finish reading Critical Path (some times I’d spend a whole day trying to comprehend a single paragraph).  John has become a lifelong friend and mentor and Bucky has been a focus of...

December 12, 2013 |

The Viable System Model (Stafford Beer)

I’ve been intrigued with Stafford Beer’s work since I first experienced his Team Syntegrity protocol in 1994.  When I heard about, then read about, his Viable System Model (VSM), I was convinced that this is a much needed breakthrough in Systems Thinking.  I’d heard of “cybernetics” but quickly realized that I didn’t really know what it was about.  I had a lot to learn so I began reading every book that I could get my hands on that dealt with cybernetics and Stafford Beer’s work. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anthony_Stafford_Beer...

September 26, 2013 |

The 8 allotropes of Carbon

Living in Carbondale, it is interesting to note things like the eight allotropes of the Carbon...

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